Saturday, August 11, 2012

Adidas Promos

I've not updated in quite some time (par for the course I guess). However I've acquired quite a few new Football Champions cards.

As you (does anyone read this?) may have guessed by the title I finally it my Adidas Italian Promos. I post in the group for Football Champions on Facebook and was linked to them off eBay. In a nice drunken haze I purchased both Trezeguet and Del Piero without even looking at the prices. $40 and two weeks later I had my cards. Honestly I'm not the biggest Trez fan, however the Del Piero is the sexiest card ever. Now they currently sit in a binder which I look through once a month, maybe. Worthy purchase....of course!

On another note, I've found two places that people actively trade for Football Champions cards. The first is a soccer card board:

The second is a group on Facebook simply titled "Football Champions". The group page's main image is the 2001-2002 Italian starter set. The only issue for the group is its entirely in Italian. However it's 2012 and with translators all over the place, it's a bit easier to try and trade.

I'll post more this time now that my phone can blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andrew, would you have Baronio Adidas or Zenoni Adidas? Please add me on telegram: kennethfc0102.
